Java File.isFile()方法

2019-10-16 22:16:17

Java Java File.isFile()方法具有以下語法。

public boolean isFile()




public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    File f = new File("c:");

    // true if the file path is a file, else false
    boolean bool = f.isFile();

    // get the path
    String path = f.getPath();

    System.out.println(path + " is file? " + bool);

    // create new file
    f = new File("c:/test.txt");

    // true if the file path is a file, else false
    bool = f.isFile();// from:w w W .Y  ii B A I.C  O m 

    // get the path
    path = f.getPath();

    System.out.print(path + " is file? " + bool);


執行上面程式碼,得到以下結果 -

c: is directory? true
c:\test.txt is directory? false