
2020-08-14 19:09:37



create database  if not exists test;


CREATE TABLE if not exists student (
    `s_id` varchar(20),
    `s_name` varchar(20) not null default '',
    `s_birth` varchar(20) not null default '',
    `s_sex` varchar(10) not null default '',
    primary key (`s_id`)


create table if not exists course(
    c_id varchar(20),
    c_name varchar(20) not null default '',
    t_id varchar(20) not null ,
    primary key (c_id)


    t_id varchar(20),
    t_name varchar(20) not null default '',
    primary key (t_id)


    s_id varchar(20),
    c_id varchar(20),
    s_score int(3),
    primary key (s_id,c_id)



insert into student values('01' , '趙雷' , '1990-01-01' , '男');
insert into student values('02' , '錢電' , '1990-12-21' , '男');
insert into student values('03' , '孫風' , '1990-05-20' , '男');
insert into student values('04' , '李雲' , '1990-08-06' , '男');
insert into student values('05' , '周梅' , '1991-12-01' , '女');
insert into student values('06' , '吳蘭' , '1992-03-01' , '女');
insert into student values('07' , '鄭竹' , '1989-07-01' , '女');
insert into student values('08' , '王菊' , '1990-01-20' , '女');


insert into course values('01' , '語文' , '02');
insert into course values('02' , '數學' , '01');
insert into course values('03' , '英語' , '03');


insert into teacher values('01' , '張三');
insert into teacher values('02' , '李四');
insert into teacher values('03' , '王五');


insert into score values('01' , '01' , 80);
insert into score values('01' , '02' , 90);
insert into score values('01' , '03' , 99);
insert into score values('02' , '01' , 70);
insert into score values('02' , '02' , 60);
insert into score values('02' , '03' , 80);
insert into score values('03' , '01' , 80);
insert into score values('03' , '02' , 80);
insert into score values('03' , '03' , 80);
insert into score values('04' , '01' , 50);
insert into score values('04' , '02' , 30);
insert into score values('04' , '03' , 20);
insert into score values('05' , '01' , 76);
insert into score values('05' , '02' , 87);
insert into score values('06' , '01' , 31);
insert into score values('06' , '03' , 34);
insert into score values('07' , '02' , 89);
insert into score values('07' , '03' , 98);



select a.s_id '學生id',a.s_name '學生姓名',a.s_birth '學生生日',a.s_sex '學生性別',b.s_score '分數' 
from student a,(
    select s_id,s_score 
    from score 
    group by s_id 
    having max(s_score)) b 
where a.s_id=b.s_id;
| 學生id   | 學生姓名     | 學生生日     | 學生性別     | 分數   |
| 01       | 趙雷         | 1990-01-01   ||     80 |
| 02       | 錢電         | 1990-12-21   ||     70 |
| 03       | 孫風         | 1990-05-20   ||     80 |
| 04       | 李雲         | 1990-08-06   ||     50 |
| 05       | 周梅         | 1991-12-01   ||     76 |
| 06       | 吳蘭         | 1992-03-01   ||     31 |
| 07       | 鄭竹         | 1989-07-01   ||     89 |


select t1.s_id '學生id',t1.s_name '學生姓名',t1.s_birth '學生生日',t1.s_sex '學生性別',t2.課程01分數,t2.課程02分數 
from student t1,(
    select a.s_id,a.s_score '課程01分數',b.s_score '課程02分數' 
    from (
    select s_id,s_score 
    from score 
    where c_id='01') a,(
        select s_id,s_score 
        from score 
        where c_id='02') b
    where a.s_score<b.s_score 
      and a.s_id=b.s_id)t2 
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id;
| 學生id   | 學生姓名     | 學生生日     | 學生性別     | 課程01分數     | 課程02分數     |
| 01       | 趙雷         | 1990-01-01   ||             80 |             90 |
| 05       | 周梅         | 1991-12-01   ||             76 |             87 |


select t1.s_name '學生姓名',t1.s_id '學生編號',t2.avgscore '平均成績'
from student t1, (
    select s_id,avg(s_score) avgscore
    from score
    group by s_id
    having avg(s_score)>=60) t2
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id;
| 學生姓名     | 學生編號     | 平均成績     |
| 趙雷         | 01           |      89.6667 |
| 錢電         | 02           |      70.0000 |
| 孫風         | 03           |      80.0000 |
| 周梅         | 05           |      81.5000 |
| 鄭竹         | 07           |      93.5000 |


select t1.s_id '學生編號',t1.s_name '學生姓名',avg(t2.s_score) '平均成績'
from student t1,score t2
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id
group by t1.s_id, t1.s_name
having avg(t2.s_score)<60
select s_id,s_name,0
from student
where s_id not in (
    select distinct s_id
    from score);
| 學生編號     | 學生姓名     | 平均成績     |
| 04           | 李雲         |      33.3333 |
| 06           | 吳蘭         |      32.5000 |
| 08           | 王菊         |       0.0000 |


select t1.s_id '學生編號',t1.s_name '學生姓名',count(*) '選課總數',sum(t2.s_score) '課程總成績' 
from student t1,score t2  
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id 
group by t1.s_id, t1.s_name;
| 學生編號     | 學生姓名     | 選課總數     | 課程總成績      |
| 01           | 趙雷         |            3 |             269 |
| 02           | 錢電         |            3 |             210 |
| 03           | 孫風         |            3 |             240 |
| 04           | 李雲         |            3 |             100 |
| 05           | 周梅         |            2 |             163 |
| 06           | 吳蘭         |            2 |              65 |
| 07           | 鄭竹         |            2 |             187 |


select count(*) '數量'
from teacher
where t_name like '李%';
| 數量   |
|      1 |


select student.* 
from teacher,course,score,student 
where t_name='張三' 
  and teacher.t_id=course.t_id 
  and score.c_id=course.c_id 
  and student.s_id=score.s_id;
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 01   | 趙雷   | 1990-01-01 ||
| 02   | 錢電   | 1990-12-21 ||
| 03   | 孫風   | 1990-05-20 ||
| 04   | 李雲   | 1990-08-06 ||
| 05   | 周梅   | 1991-12-01 ||
| 07   | 鄭竹   | 1989-07-01 ||


select * 
from student t1 
where t1.s_id not in (
    select s_id 
    from score t2 
        join course t3 
    where t2.c_id=t3.c_id 
      and t3.t_id in (
          select t_id 
          from teacher t4 
          where t4.t_name='張三'));
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 06   | 吳蘭   | 1992-03-01 ||
| 08   | 王菊   | 1990-01-20 ||


select * 
from student t1 
where t1.s_id in (
    select s_id 
    from score t2 
    where t2.c_id='01' 
      and t2.s_id in(
          select s_id 
          from score 
          where c_id='02'));
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 01   | 趙雷   | 1990-01-01 ||
| 02   | 錢電   | 1990-12-21 ||
| 03   | 孫風   | 1990-05-20 ||
| 04   | 李雲   | 1990-08-06 ||
| 05   | 周梅   | 1991-12-01 ||


select t1.* 
from student t1 
where t1.s_id in (
    select s_id 
    from score t2 
    where t2.c_id='01' 
      and t2.s_id not in (
          select t3.s_id 
          from score t3 
          where t3.c_id='02'));
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 06   | 吳蘭   | 1992-03-01 ||


select t1.* 
from student t1 
    left join score t2 
        on t1.s_id=t2.s_id 
group by t2.s_id 
having count(*)<(
    select count(*) 
    from course);
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 08   | 王菊   | 1990-01-20 ||
| 05   | 周梅   | 1991-12-01 ||
| 06   | 吳蘭   | 1992-03-01 ||
| 07   | 鄭竹   | 1989-07-01 ||


select distinct t1.* 
from student t1,score t2 
where t2.c_id in (
    select t2.c_id 
    from score t3 
    where t3.s_id='01' ) 
  and t1.s_id=t2.s_id 
  and t1.s_id!='01';
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 02   | 錢電   | 1990-12-21 ||
| 03   | 孫風   | 1990-05-20 ||
| 04   | 李雲   | 1990-08-06 ||
| 05   | 周梅   | 1991-12-01 ||
| 06   | 吳蘭   | 1992-03-01 ||
| 07   | 鄭竹   | 1989-07-01 ||


select t1.*
from student t1
where t1.s_id in (
    select distinct s_id 
    from score 
    group by s_id 
    having count(*)=(
        select count(distinct c_id) 
        from score 
        where score.s_id='01' 
        group by s_id))
  and t1.s_id not in(
      select s_id 
      from score 
      where c_id in  (
          select t2.c_id 
          from course t2 
          where t2.c_id not in (
              select t3.c_id 
              from score t3 
              where t3.s_id='01') )) 
  and t1.s_id!='01';
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 02   | 錢電   | 1990-12-21 ||
| 03   | 孫風   | 1990-05-20 ||
| 04   | 李雲   | 1990-08-06 ||


select distinct t1.s_name 
from student t1 ,score t2 
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id 
  and t2.c_id not in (
      select c_id 
      from course 
      where t_id = (
          select t_id 
          from teacher 
          where t_name='張三'));
| s_name |
| 趙雷   |
| 錢電   |
| 孫風   |
| 李雲   |
| 周梅   |
| 吳蘭   |
| 鄭竹   |


select t1.s_id,t1.s_name,avg(t2.s_score) 
from student t1,score t2 
where t1.s_id in(
    select s_id 
    from score 
    where s_score<60 
    group by s_id 
    having count(*)>=2) 
  and t1.s_id=t2.s_id 
group by t1.s_id;
| s_id | s_name | avg(t2.s_score) |
| 04   | 李雲   |         33.3333 |
| 06   | 吳蘭   |         32.5000 |


select t1.* 
from student t1,score t2 
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id 
  and t2.c_id='01' 
  and t2.s_score<60 
order by t2.s_score desc;
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 04   | 李雲   | 1990-08-06 ||
| 06   | 吳蘭   | 1992-03-01 ||


select t1.s_id,
       avg(s_score) '平均成績',
       (select t2.s_score from score t2 where t1.s_id=t2.s_id and t2.c_id='01') '語文',
       (select t3.s_score from score t3 where t1.s_id=t3.s_id and t3.c_id='02') '數學',
       (select t4.s_score from score t4 where t1.s_id=t4.s_id and t4.c_id='02') '英語'
       from score t1 group by t1.s_id;
| s_id | 平均成績     | 語文   | 數學   | 英語   |
| 01   |      89.6667 |     80 |     90 |     90 |
| 02   |      70.0000 |     70 |     60 |     60 |
| 03   |      80.0000 |     80 |     80 |     80 |
| 04   |      33.3333 |     50 |     30 |     30 |
| 05   |      81.5000 |     76 |     87 |     87 |
| 06   |      32.5000 |     31 |   NULL |   NULL |
| 07   |      93.5000 |   NULL |     89 |     89 |


select t1.c_id '課程ID',
       t2.c_name '課程name',
       max(t1.s_score) '最高分',
       min(t1.s_score) '最低分',
       avg(t1.s_score) '平均分',
       round(100*sum(case when t1.s_score>=60 then 1 else null end)/sum(case when t1.s_score then 1 else null end ),2) '及格率',
       round(100*sum(case when t1.s_score >=70 and t1.s_score<80 then 1 else null end )/sum(case when t1.s_score then 1 else null end ),2) '中等率',
       round(100*sum(case when t1.s_score>=80 and t1.s_score<90 then 1 else null end )/sum(case when t1.s_score then 1 else null end),2) '優良率',
       round(100*sum(case when t1.s_score>=90 then 1 else null end)/sum(case when t1.s_score then 1 else null end),2) '優秀率'
       from score t1,course t2 where t1.c_id=t2.c_id group by t1.c_id;
| 課程ID   | 課程name   | 最高分    | 最低分    | 平均分    | 及格率    | 中等率    | 優良率    | 優秀率    |
| 01       | 語文       |        80 |        31 |   64.5000 |     66.67 |     33.33 |     33.33 |      NULL |
| 02       | 數學       |        90 |        30 |   72.6667 |     83.33 |      NULL |     50.00 |     16.67 |
| 03       | 英語       |        99 |        20 |   68.5000 |     66.67 |      NULL |     33.33 |     33.33 |


select c_id,s_id,s_score,
       rank()  over (partition by c_id order by s_score desc ) '排名rank',
       row_number() over (partition by c_id order by s_score desc ) '排名row_number',
       dense_rank() over (partition by c_id order by s_score desc ) '排名dense_rank'
from score;

select t1.*,@a:=@a+1 '排名' from (select * from score where c_id='01' order by s_score desc) t1,(select @a:=0 )t2
select t1.*,@b:=@b+1 '排名' from (select * from score where c_id='02' order by s_score desc) t1,(select @b:=0 )t2
select t1.*,@c:=@c+1 '排名' from (select * from score where c_id='03' order by s_score desc) t1,(select @c:=0 )t2;
| s_id | c_id | s_score | 排名   |
| 01   | 01   |      80 |      1 |
| 03   | 01   |      80 |      2 |
| 05   | 01   |      76 |      3 |
| 02   | 01   |      70 |      4 |
| 04   | 01   |      50 |      5 |
| 06   | 01   |      31 |      6 |
| 01   | 02   |      90 |      1 |
| 07   | 02   |      89 |      2 |
| 05   | 02   |      87 |      3 |
| 03   | 02   |      80 |      4 |
| 02   | 02   |      60 |      5 |
| 04   | 02   |      30 |      6 |
| 01   | 03   |      99 |      1 |
| 07   | 03   |      98 |      2 |
| 02   | 03   |      80 |      3 |
| 03   | 03   |      80 |      4 |
| 06   | 03   |      34 |      5 |
| 04   | 03   |      20 |      6 |


  s_id,sum(s_score) '總成績' ,
  rank() over (order by sum(s_score) desc) '排名' 
  from score group by s_id;
select t1.*,
       @a:=@a+1 '排名' 
from (
    select s_id,sum(s_score)  
    from score 
    group by s_id 
    order by sum(s_score) desc) t1,(select @a:=0)t2 ;
| s_id | sum(s_score) | 排名   |
| 01   |          269 |      1 |
| 03   |          240 |      2 |
| 02   |          210 |      3 |
| 07   |          187 |      4 |
| 05   |          163 |      5 |
| 04   |          100 |      6 |
| 06   |           65 |      7 |


  t1.c_id,rank() over (order by avg(t1.s_score) desc ) '排名' 
  from score t1,course t2,teacher t3 where t1.c_id=t2.c_id and t2.t_id=t3.t_id group by t1.c_id,t3.t_name;
select t4.* ,
       @a:=@a+1 '排名'
from (
    select t1.t_name,avg(t2.s_score),t2.c_id 
    from teacher t1,score t2,course t3 
    where t1.t_id=t3.t_id 
      and t2.c_id=t3.c_id 
    group by t2.c_id 
    order by avg(t2.s_score) desc ) t4,(select @a:=0) t5;
| t_name | avg(t2.s_score) | c_id | 排名   |
| 張三   |         72.6667 | 02   |      1 |
| 王五   |         68.5000 | 03   |      2 |
| 李四   |         64.5000 | 01   |      3 |


select * from (
  t2.*,rank() over (partition by c_id order by s_score desc) a  
  from score t1,student t2 
  where t1.s_id=t2.s_id) t3
where t3.a=2 or t3.a=3;
select * from (
select t1.*,@a:=@a+1 a from (select* from score where c_id='01' order by s_score desc)t1 ,(select @a:=0)t2
select t1.*,@b:=@b+1 a from (select* from score where c_id='02' order by s_score desc)t1 ,(select @b:=0)t2
select t1.*,@c:=@c+1 a from (select* from score where c_id='03' order by s_score desc)t1 ,(select @c:=0)t3) t4,student t5  where a between 2 and 3 and t4.s_id=t5.s_id;
| s_id | c_id | s_score | a    | s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 02   | 03   |      80 |    3 | 02   | 錢電   | 1990-12-21 ||
| 03   | 01   |      80 |    2 | 03   | 孫風   | 1990-05-20 ||
| 05   | 01   |      76 |    3 | 05   | 周梅   | 1991-12-01 ||
| 05   | 02   |      87 |    3 | 05   | 周梅   | 1991-12-01 ||
| 07   | 03   |      98 |    2 | 07   | 鄭竹   | 1989-07-01 ||
| 07   | 02   |      89 |    2 | 07   | 鄭竹   | 1989-07-01 ||


select c_id ,
       round(100*sum(case when s_score>=0 and s_score<60 then 1 else null end )/sum(case when s_score then 1 else null end ),2) '[0-60]',
       round(100*sum(case when s_score>=60 and s_score<70 then 1 else null end )/sum(case when s_score then 1 else null end ),2) '[60-70]',
       round(100*sum(case when s_score>=70 and s_score<85 then 1 else null end )/sum(case when s_score then 1 else null end ),2) '[70-85]',
       round(100*sum(case when s_score>=85 and s_score<100 then 1 else null end )/sum(case when s_score then 1 else null end ),2) '[85-100]'
from score group by c_id;
| c_id | [0-60] | [60-70] | [70-85] | [85-100] |
| 01   |  33.33 |    NULL |   66.67 |     NULL |
| 02   |  16.67 |   16.67 |   16.67 |    50.00 |
| 03   |  33.33 |    NULL |   33.33 |    33.33 |


select * ,
  rank() over (order by avg desc) '排名' 
  from (select s_id,avg(s_score) avg from score group by s_id) t1;
select t1.*,
       @a:=@a+1 '排名' 
from (
    select s_id,avg(s_score) '平均分' 
    from score 
    group by s_id 
    order by avg(s_score) desc)t1,(select @a:=0) t2 ;
| s_id | 平均分    | 排名   |
| 07   |   93.5000 |      1 |
| 01   |   89.6667 |      2 |
| 05   |   81.5000 |      3 |
| 03   |   80.0000 |      4 |
| 02   |   70.0000 |      5 |
| 04   |   33.3333 |      6 |
| 06   |   32.5000 |      7 |


select * from (
  row_number() over (partition by c_id order by s_score desc) a from score) t1 where t1.a<=3;

select * from (
select t1.*,@a:=@a+1 a from (select* from score where c_id='01' order by s_score desc)t1 ,(select @a:=0)t2
select t1.*,@b:=@b+1 a from (select* from score where c_id='02' order by s_score desc)t1 ,(select @b:=0)t2
select t1.*,@c:=@c+1 a from (select* from score where c_id='03' order by s_score desc)t1 ,(select @c:=0)t3) t4  where a between 1 and 3 ;
| s_id | c_id | s_score | a    |
| 01   | 01   |      80 |    1 |
| 03   | 01   |      80 |    2 |
| 05   | 01   |      76 |    3 |
| 01   | 02   |      90 |    1 |
| 07   | 02   |      89 |    2 |
| 05   | 02   |      87 |    3 |
| 01   | 03   |      99 |    1 |
| 07   | 03   |      98 |    2 |
| 02   | 03   |      80 |    3 |


select c_id '課程編號',count(distinct s_id) '學生數' from score group by c_id;
| 課程編號     | 學生數    |
| 01           |         6 |
| 02           |         6 |
| 03           |         6 |


select t1.* 
from student t1 
    join (
        select s_id 
        from score 
        group by s_id 
        having count(distinct c_id)=2) t2 on t1.s_id=t2.s_id;
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 05   | 周梅   | 1991-12-01 ||
| 06   | 吳蘭   | 1992-03-01 ||
| 07   | 鄭竹   | 1989-07-01 ||


select s_sex,count(1) from student group by s_sex;
| s_sex | count(1) |
||        4 |
||        4 |


select * from student where s_name like '%風%';
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 03   | 孫風   | 1990-05-20 ||


select s_name,s_sex,count(*) from student group by s_name,s_sex having count(*)>1;


select * from student where substr(s_birth,1,4)='1990';
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 01   | 趙雷   | 1990-01-01 ||
| 02   | 錢電   | 1990-12-21 ||
| 03   | 孫風   | 1990-05-20 ||
| 04   | 李雲   | 1990-08-06 ||
| 08   | 王菊   | 1990-01-20 ||


select avg(s_score),c_id from score group by c_id order by avg(s_score) desc ,c_id;
| avg(s_score) | c_id |
|      72.6667 | 02   |
|      68.5000 | 03   |
|      64.5000 | 01   |


select t1.s_id,t2.s_name,avg(t1.s_score) 
from score t1,student t2 
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id 
group by t1.s_id 
having avg(t1.s_score) >=85;
| s_id | s_name | avg(t1.s_score) |
| 01   | 趙雷   |         89.6667 |
| 07   | 鄭竹   |         93.5000 |


select t1.s_name,t3.c_name,t2.s_score
from student t1,score t2,course t3
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id
  and t2.c_id=t3.c_id
  and t3.c_name='數學'
  and t2.s_score<60;
| s_name | c_name | s_score |
| 李雲   | 數學   |      30 |


select t1.s_id,t2.s_name,
       sum(case t1.c_id when '01' then t1.s_score else 0 end) '語文',
       sum(case t1.c_id when '02' then t1.s_score else 0 end) '數學',
       sum(case t1.c_id when '03' then t1.s_score else 0 end) '英語',
       sum(t1.s_score) '總分'
from score t1,student t2 where t1.s_id=t2.s_id group by t1.s_id;
| s_id | s_name | 語文   | 數學   | 英語   | 總分   |
| 01   | 趙雷   |     80 |     90 |     99 |    269 |
| 02   | 錢電   |     70 |     60 |     80 |    210 |
| 03   | 孫風   |     80 |     80 |     80 |    240 |
| 04   | 李雲   |     50 |     30 |     20 |    100 |
| 05   | 周梅   |     76 |     87 |      0 |    163 |
| 06   | 吳蘭   |     31 |      0 |     34 |     65 |
| 07   | 鄭竹   |      0 |     89 |     98 |    187 |


select t1.s_name,t3.c_name,t2.s_score 
from student t1,score t2,course t3 
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id 
and t2.c_id=t3.c_id 
and t2.s_score>=70;
| s_name | c_name | s_score |
| 趙雷   | 語文   |      80 |
| 錢電   | 語文   |      70 |
| 孫風   | 語文   |      80 |
| 周梅   | 語文   |      76 |
| 趙雷   | 數學   |      90 |
| 孫風   | 數學   |      80 |
| 周梅   | 數學   |      87 |
| 鄭竹   | 數學   |      89 |
| 趙雷   | 英語   |      99 |
| 錢電   | 英語   |      80 |
| 孫風   | 英語   |      80 |
| 鄭竹   | 英語   |      98 |


select t1.s_score,t2.s_name,t2.s_id,t3.c_name,t3.c_id 
from score t1,student t2,course t3 
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id 
  and t1.c_id=t3.c_id 
  and t1.s_score<60;
| s_score | s_name | s_id | c_name | c_id |
|      50 | 李雲   | 04   | 語文   | 01   |
|      31 | 吳蘭   | 06   | 語文   | 01   |
|      30 | 李雲   | 04   | 數學   | 02   |
|      20 | 李雲   | 04   | 英語   | 03   |
|      34 | 吳蘭   | 06   | 英語   | 03   |


select t1.s_id,t1.s_name,t2.s_score,t2.c_id 
from student t1,score t2 
where t1.s_id=t2.s_id 
  and t2.s_score>=80 
  and t2.c_id='01';
| s_id | s_name | s_score | c_id |
| 01   | 趙雷   |      80 | 01   |
| 03   | 孫風   |      80 | 01   |


select count(*),c_id from score group by c_id;
| count(*) | c_id |
|        6 | 01   |
|        6 | 02   |
|        6 | 03   |


select t5.*,t4.max 
from student t5 ,(
    select max(t1.s_score) max,t2.c_id 
    from score t1,course t2,teacher t3 
    where t1.c_id=t2.c_id 
      and t2.t_id=t3.t_id 
      and t3.t_name = '張三' 
    group by t3.t_name,t2.c_id) t4 ,score t6 
where t4.max=t6.s_score 
  and t6.c_id=t4.c_id 
  and t5.s_id=t6.s_id;
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex | max  |
| 01   | 趙雷   | 1990-01-01 ||   90 |


select s_id,c_id,s_score 
from score  
where s_score in(
    select s_score 
    from score 
    group by s_score 
    having count(*)>1);
| s_id | c_id | s_score |
| 01   | 01   |      80 |
| 02   | 03   |      80 |
| 03   | 01   |      80 |
| 03   | 02   |      80 |
| 03   | 03   |      80 |


  rank() over (partition by c_id order by s_score desc ) '排名' 
  from score t1,student t2 where t1.s_id=t2.s_id;
select * from (
select t1.*,@a:=@a+1 a from (select* from score where c_id='01' order by s_score desc)t1 ,(select @a:=0)t2
select t1.*,@b:=@b+1 a from (select* from score where c_id='02' order by s_score desc)t1 ,(select @b:=0)t2
select t1.*,@c:=@c+1 a from (select* from score where c_id='03' order by s_score desc)t1 ,(select @c:=0)t3) t4,student t5  where a between 1 and 2 and t4.s_id=t5.s_id;
| s_id | c_id | s_score | a    | s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 01   | 02   |      90 |    1 | 01   | 趙雷   | 1990-01-01 ||
| 01   | 03   |      99 |    1 | 01   | 趙雷   | 1990-01-01 ||
| 01   | 01   |      80 |    1 | 01   | 趙雷   | 1990-01-01 ||
| 03   | 01   |      80 |    2 | 03   | 孫風   | 1990-05-20 ||
| 07   | 02   |      89 |    2 | 07   | 鄭竹   | 1989-07-01 ||
| 07   | 03   |      98 |    2 | 07   | 鄭竹   | 1989-07-01 ||


select t1.c_id,count(*) 
from score t1 
group by t1.c_id 
having count(*)>5 
order by count(*) desc ,c_id asc;
| c_id | count(*) |
| 01   |        6 |
| 02   |        6 |
| 03   |        6 |


select s_id from score group by s_id having count(distinct c_id)>=2;
| s_id |
| 01   |
| 02   |
| 03   |
| 04   |
| 05   |
| 06   |
| 07   |


select * 
from student 
where s_id in(
    select s_id 
    from score 
    group by s_id 
    having count(distinct c_id)=(select count(1) from course));
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 01   | 趙雷   | 1990-01-01 ||
| 02   | 錢電   | 1990-12-21 ||
| 03   | 孫風   | 1990-05-20 ||
| 04   | 李雲   | 1990-08-06 ||


select date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d') '當前年月日';
| 當前年月日      |
| 2020-08-14      |

按照出生日期來算,當前月日 < 出生年月的月日則,年齡減一

select (case when dayofyear(now())>dayofyear(s_birth) then year(now())-year(s_birth) else year(now())-year(s_birth)-1 end ) '年齡' ,student.* from student;
| 年齡   | s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
|     30 | 01   | 趙雷   | 1990-01-01 ||
|     29 | 02   | 錢電   | 1990-12-21 ||
|     30 | 03   | 孫風   | 1990-05-20 ||
|     30 | 04   | 李雲   | 1990-08-06 ||
|     28 | 05   | 周梅   | 1991-12-01 ||
|     28 | 06   | 吳蘭   | 1992-03-01 ||
|     31 | 07   | 鄭竹   | 1989-07-01 ||
|     30 | 08   | 王菊   | 1990-01-20 ||


select * from student where week(s_birth)=week(now());


select * from student where weekday(s_birth)=week(now())+1;


select * from student where month(s_birth)=month(now());
| s_id | s_name | s_birth    | s_sex |
| 04   | 李雲   | 1990-08-06 ||


select * from student where month(s_birth)=month(now())+1;